Monday, 19 November 2012

Getting Senti(mental)

So recently, I've realized that I'm not Religious. At all. No, I'm not an Atheist either. But all the strong emotions that people of my country (& the neighboring country) attach to religion, I Don't have those. Like not even 5 % of that. and guess what.. i feel "blessed" for that.. ! hahahah :P

So, like a day back, a 21 year old got arrested for hurting "religious sentiments" of people in Maharashtra (post Bal thakeray's death ) read it here  . What exactly are religious sentiments?!?.. sentiments that i would attach to my religion?..or to god?..or both?..But why would my religion have "sentimental" value to me (or to anyone) anyway.. i mean what is religion?..its Faith..Its Belief...Its compassion.right.. Its just accepting that there is a power much higher than any of us humans..thats it.. PERIOD. And as far as sentimental value is concerned..I would probably attach that to something much more close to maybe my grandmother's ring, or something i bought from my first pay check, or how people save their children's first shoes, toothbrush etc. THOSE & many like them are things with "sentimental value" cherish them or feel grateful for them or want to keep them safe..I don't understand how that works with religion.. (but that could be just my problem)

So, why attach "feelings" & "sentiments" to religion/ god..? why go out of your way and be head over heels over something that is not in our control. Whats the point?..Buttering the god does not help..believing in him does and even not believing will help as long as THAT gives you peace of mind. I see people, Hindus mostly, going out of their way to please the gods. Mata ki chowkis, fire crackers, and thousand & lakhs of money spent on arrangements for the same. Its a WASTE. How?--noise pollution, air pollution and what about people of other religions who are made to hear your "jai mata di" over the 10 loudspeakers you have installed all over your neighborhood..what about their "religious sentiments"..?.. not very secular..are we then?
Example..Today..its "chhat puja" I don't know what that is. Frankly i can't care less. But I'm made to care people somewhere near my house are praising this deity over weird songs through loudspeakers and also bursting crackers. And all I can think about is the exam tomorrow, which i clearly can't study for..Now, my parents have very nicely taught me to be religiously tolerant and thats why i tolerate the 5 time namaaz everyday coming out of the 2 mosques.. near my house. but when all this other religiousness accompanies it..i go MAD..yes..i hate it... Interestingly, I live in a posh neighborhood of South Delhi, and when you live in such areas you tend to not expect all this, but over the years..well, I've just become used to tolerance is decreasing.. (as you can see from this Post) but as a civilized, non violent human being i'm sadly not gonna do anything about it (my declining tolerance & the events that are responsible for it), maybe except, write this post.

So basically, Hindus & Muslims in India at least,.. PLEASE keep your religion to yourself and don't go around arresting people who don't share your religious views. Learn something from other Sikhism & Budhhism. Also, stay true to your faith but let others stay true to theirs..Think of pleasing your god through helping others who are less fortunate & in need instead of disturbing your neighbors!. 

Lastly, I'm sorry if i offended you from what i've said above, that was not the intention. This is purely my point of view.


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