Wednesday, 13 February 2013

The Perfect Valentine...

Hmmm.. So, is there any particular valentines day that you remember?..somebody "special" who made the day "special"?..thought of him?..Ok..Good! now STOP thinking about him..Because i'm sure the following list of hotties will anyway make you forget.. :P. 
Following is the list of some people who I would characterize as the "Perfect Valentines"

Ryan Gosling  :) --> Mr. Gorgeous alert !!...
Isn't he just amazing..if you still haven't seen crazy stupid love or my blue valentine.. Then PLEASE download them today itself and watch his brilliant acting..and off course the SuperGoodLooks are hard to miss..!

Mr. David Beckham --> Hes a dream ! :)
Everybody remembers the weird girl in Bend it like Beckham who went so gaga over him that started playing football..!..LOL. But yea, his looks and his charm are enough to make any girl go cuckoo..even just by looking at him from the television ! :o 

Mr. Ashton Kutcher--> *mwahs*
He is just SO CUTE!..whether its Alot like Love or That 70's Show..or even the new seasons of Two n a Half men or No Strings Attached...(both of which i only saw because of him and absolutely nothing else)..this guy just wins you over with his tall-goofy-casual yet sooo dreamy charm. His smile lights up a thousand bulbs..somewhere..sigh :)

Mr. Timberlake--> had me at "friends with benefits" 
Its true..I didn't like him so much before. Even in  the social network..I was just mildly impressed..but Friends with Benefits is so far one of the movies I can watch again & again. I guess..a lot of not liking him came from the fact that he dated Britney Spears as a teenage pop-star..Plus his music..whether in N'SYNC or individually, had a few songs I liked but wasn't hugely part of my playlist ever..

The only Desi boy who I think would fall in the category of MY PERFECT valentines..His looks are cute..given..But thats not it..I like him for the unusual movies he does (socha na tha..such a cute movie!) and the fact that he is not like his cousins ( u know those with the dhai kilo ka haath) everything else is pretty wonderful about him..except that he has a very weird looking girlfriend ! :o ..sorry.. need to keep such jealousies under control..LOL
Other contenders from the Desi Boyz team, who ALMOST made it were Ranbir Kapoor, Imran khan and uhm...well....uhm....right, NO ONE!!.. yes thats the plight.. :(

So, anyway girls..non-celebrity boyfriends will come and go and please don't judge those poor souls on celebrity standards because then you will either be forever sad or forever alone..And no one wants that..

Anyway my dearies, on a brighter note, who is YOUR PERFECT VALENTINE??.. Do watch his movie/game/show/music video today! And if you feel like comment below and share :)


Saturday, 9 February 2013

Free Advice

If there is one thing that I've learnt lately, its that.. EVERYTHING is an experience. Your entire life.. its just nothing but a bag full of experiences. And I don't mean "work ex" or "an adventurous experience" like skydiving or Bungee jumping etc..after which most people say.. "what an experience yaar..feel agayi !" Thats an experience too, sure..but what i'm talking about below is those everyday people which we can tend to(..asymptotic curve maybe? :P ) take for granted or basically, don't count daily life with them as a "RELEVANT EXPERIENCE". So here goes a list !

  • Dealing with your parents: BIGGEST experience ever !..especially after a certain age. There are days when they either annoy you or don't understand you or just become a cause of your crazy-pendulum-of-a-mood-swing. I KNOW the reasons behind all the drama.. "generation gap"..or  "we just want the best for you"..or "we are passing on our knowledge to you"..etc etc... BUT if it annoys YOU, then its crucial to figure out the best coping strategy (which doesn't hurt anyone) as none of these explanations( & many more like them) work when you're storming to your room/ out of the house in anger..!
    My advice: Keep Calm and think of it as an experience in personal dealings (inventing stuff?..dunno :o). It is  hands down the LONGEST EXPERIENCE you'll get in dealing with  human relations/ crisis management/call-what-you-may..and if you're smart enough, this experience with your folks will help you deal with ALOT of other people in life ahead. SO be THANKFUL to them for that !

  • Dealing with your friends: Even better..!..cause mostly these humans are of the same age group as you and think alike (alien voice effect). You can share everything with them and one really LEARNS ALOT from friends..So at their most annoying moments...My advice: Think of it as an experience in 'Patience & Tolerance Development' or 'how-to-overlook-dumb-things-of-people-you-love'.
OR MORE!! But they're ADORABLE!! :*

  • Dealing with your enemies: Don't try to have any (enemies)..or hope that its not a mutual feeling between them & you (If its only from your side..its alright ..but then you should learn to forgive/ overlook). This would be more like an experience in 'anger management' or 'ways to ignore people i hate'.. LOL..although one can DEFINITELY do without this kinda experience.. :)

  • Dealing with your BF/GF/Spouse: Hmmm..this is tricky ground and I cant even count myself as a self-taught expert here... plus valentines day is near! Ssshhhhh  :p
    My Advice: 'Please Read The Offer Document Carefully Before Investing !' You know what I mean !..*wink wink*  
LOL!!>> :P

Thats all from me this morning.. I hope this helps you as a coping strategy to deal with all these AWESOME people in your life. By the way .. MUST NOT put these in ur CV ;) :P
